Once WinDat Opener has opened a TNEF file, it displays a window with a list of the attachments in the TNEF file, together with their size and date. You can either open the attachments directly, or save them to another location.There are two ways to open attachments directly, and three different ways that you can save these attachments.


  1. Save by Drag and drop. Simply drag the attachment to wherever you want it.
  2. Save from the File menu. You can save an attachment from the "Save As..." menu item under WinDat Opener's File menu. First select the attachment by clicking on it, then select the "Save As..." item in the File menu. Note that for the "Save As..." item to be enabled a single file must be selected. If no file or more than one file is selected, it will be disabled.
  3. Save by Cntrl-Click or right click. Right-clicking, or cntrl-clicking on an attachment shown in the WinDat Opener window will bring up the context menu. Select the "Save As..." menu option. This will bring up a File Save dialog.
  4. Open by Cntrl-Click or right click. Right-clicking, or cntrl-clicking on an attachment shown in the WinDat Opener window will bring up the context menu. You can than select the "Open" menu item. The item will then be opened using using the default application for that attachment. Note that if you edit an attachment that you opened in this way, you must save it to another location in the application that you used to edit it. If you don't do this, you will lose any edits you made as soon as WinDat Opener exits.
  5. Open by Double-clicking. To open an attachment using the default application for that attachment, double-click on the attachment. Note that if you edit an attachment that you opened in this way, you must save it to another location in the application that you used to edit it. If you don't do this, you will lose any edits you made as soon as WinDat Opener exits.